HL Deb 22 February 1977 vol 380 cc161-3WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

  1. (1) How many cases have been brought involving infringements of the law as it relates to brakes on farm trailers in 1975 and 1976 respectively (or for any other convenient periods), and with what results.
  2. (2) Whether any of the above involved endorsements of licences; and, if so how many.
  3. (3) In which police authority areas were these cases brought.
  4. (4) What forms of advice exist for farmers to enable or to encourage them to comply with the law as it relates to the braking systems of:
    1. (i) farm tractors;
    2. (ii) agricultural trailers.
  5. (5) Whether they will summarise the provisions of the law relating to the brake systems of both types of vehicle mentioned above.
  6. (6) Whether they contemplate changes in any of these laws in the near future, in particular relating to:
    1. (i) gross weight limits of trailers;
    2. (ii) trailers the main weight of whose load is transferred to the tractor wheels.
  7. (7) Whether proposals by the Commission of the European Communities on the brakes of agricultural trailers, have been published or exist at avant-project stage.
  8. (8) Whether the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe have made any investigations into this subject; and, if so, with that result.
  9. (9) What advice Her Majesty's Government have offered to the manufacturers of agricultural trailers to the type of brakes they should fit.
  10. (10) Whether any prosecution has yet been brought against manufacturers of agricultural trailers which do not conform to present requirements.


I regret that the information requested in parts 1, 2, 3 and 10 of the question is not available. The answers to other parts of the question are as follows:

(4) The Agricultural Training Board have published A guide to the use of farm vehicles on the road. This outlines the relevant provision of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973.


(5) All agricultural vehicles first used after 1932 must be equipped with a parking brake if on a public highway.


All tractors must be equipped with braking systems capable of being applied by direct mechanical action. In the case of tractors weighing more than 7,370 kg. unladen, and first used after May 1955, there must be an efficient system which has two means of operation and applies to not less than half the number of wheels.


There is a general requirement that trailers weighing more than 102 kg., unladen must be equipped with efficient brakes which can be applied from the drawing vehicle. However, trailers weighing 3,560 kg. or less laden, and manufactured not later than 26th February this year, may instead be fitted with brakes which automatically come into operation on the overrun of the trailer. The same applies to trailers weighing 3,500 kg. or less laden which have been manufactured after this date.

(6) My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Transport is reviewing braking requirements for agricultural vehicles generally. It is too early to say what proposals for change may be made.

(7) No.

(8) The ECE Group of Experts on the Construction of Vehicles are examining proposals for a draft regulation on the braking of agricultural vehicles. In its present form this includes braking requirements for trailers, but these have not yet been finally determined, nor has any decision yet been taken on whether to apply in this country the regulation as eventually made.

(9) No general advice has been given but there have been discussions with representatives of the manufacturers on issues arising.