HC Deb 18 February 1977 vol 926 c389W
Mrs. Dunwoody

asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection if he is satisfied that the new metric or SI units are well enough known internationally, and that the pascal is a recognised unit.

Mr. John Fraser

The International System (SI) of Units was first adopted by the General Conference of Weights and Measures in 1960 and most of the units are very well known internationally. Some of the unit names which have more recently been incorporated into the system are not yet in widespread use and are still relatively unfamiliar. The pascal is in this category.

Estimated Requirement Current number of Volunteers
Mobile grades
Under-Secretary 1 3
Assistant Secretary 3 1
Senior Principal 5 3
Principal 22 11
Senior Executive Officer 57 18
Higher Executive Officer 101 44
Executive Officer 200 130
Total 389 210
Non-mobile grades
Clerical and below 426 68
Total 815 278

These figures are not yet static. They will change with normal movement between posts and as further volunteers come forward among existing staff or on transfer from other Department. Recruitment of new executive officers is already based on their acceptance of eventual employment in Cardiff from 1979 onwards. The bulk of staff required in non-mobile grades will be recruited locally.

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