HC Deb 28 April 1977 vol 930 c406W
25. Mr. John H. Osborn

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what additional systems of tax credits and incentives, such as have been proposed by President Carter for the United States of America, are now being considered in the United Kingdom to encourage energy conservation, including solar energy and heat pump systems, as well as improved insulation and use of waste heat by individuals, small businesses and large industrial undertakings.

Mr. Denzil Davies

The incentives already in existence comprise all those which, within existing constraints, including public expenditure, have so far been shown to be cost effective. However, the Government naturally keep this important matter under constant review.

Mr. John H. Osborn

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list from European and international sources available to him tax credit and incentive schemes now being operated by the member countries of the Community and members of the OECD to encourage energy conservation by both individuals and companies.

Mr. Denzil Davies

Much of the information requested may be found in the OECD publication "Energy Conservation in the International Energy Agency: 1976 Review" which covers most OECD and EEC members. A copy is in the Library.

In respect of France, which is not covered in the review, in September 1976 the French Government introduced a package of measures intended to promote energy conservation. The main features of the programme were: (a) the introduction of a monetary ceiling for all imports of petrol and refined petroleum products in 1977; (b) restriction on the deliveries of domestic fuel oil; (c) the introduction of a "para-fiscal" tax on all quantities of heavy fuel oil used in excess of the amount used in 1975; and (d) the provision of direct tax allowances in respect of purchases of energy saving devices.