HC Deb 18 October 1976 vol 917 cc268-70W
Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Minister for the Civil Service how often a civil servant has been adjudged for the purposes of Section 8(2) of the Civil Service Scheme to have been convicted of an offence involving gross misconduct against the State; and what effect such an adjudication has had on the accrued pension rights of the civil servants concerned.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

Action under Section 8(2) of the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme, introduced from 1st July 1972, has been taken in one such case. The personal pension was reduced by some 50 per cent. and the associated lump sum was withheld.

Mr. Silvester

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what would be the cost to public funds of paying immediately increases in public service pension which under present arrangements are postponed until the age of 55 years or later.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

It is estimated that the cost in 1976–77 of paying cumulative pensions increase immediately to those public sector pensioners below age 55 from whom it is at present withheld until that age would be of the order of £39 million.

Mr. Silvester

asked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will list those public service pensions which are revalued to take account of inflation but where the increase is postponed until the age of 55 years or later; and how many pensioners are included in each category.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

Under the Pensions (increase) Act 1971, as amended

Leicestershire Former Leicester CB
Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
Started 7 1 6 1
Completed 1 1 2
Started 3 2 3
Completed 6 7 2
Started 4 2 1
Completed 6 4
Started 2 2 1
Completed 4 3 1
Started 6 1
Completed 1

The starts relate to the building year in which the work was approved.

Completion relates to the year when the premises were taken into use, as

by the Pensions Increase (Reduction of Qualifying Age) Order 1972, and the analogous arrangements which apply to the Armed Forces, the personal pensions of those who retire from the public services under age 55 may be increased where the pension is in payment as a result of a breakdown in health. Widows' pensions are increased whatever the age of the widow.

Details are not available of the numbers of former public servants who are under 55 and drawing a pension with increases withheld until that age. Apart from Armed Forces pensioners, the numbers will be very small.