HC Deb 27 May 1976 vol 912 cc380-4W
Mr. Wm Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the schemes carried out by or on behalf of, or at the request of, the Tourist Board in Northern Ireland since local government reorganisation, together with any other tourist schemes in the same period, giving in each case the cost of the scheme, the grant paid and the cost to the council in whose area the scheme was carried out.

Mr. Ray Carter

Tourist amenity schemes in Northern Ireland are not carried out by or on behalf of or at the request of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. Since local government reorganisation they have been undertaken by the Department of Commerce or by district councils with grant support from the Department of Commerce. The Tourist Board is consulted about the tourist significance of each scheme before a grant is offered to a district council or detailed planning is undertaken by the Department of Commerce.

A total of 49 schemes can be identified as being post-reorganisation in 1973, some having been approved but not started under the previous arrangements. These schemes, which are at varying stages of progress, have an overall cost, based on original estimates and subject to revision, of some £2.15 million. The current schemes are listed under two headings. Table 1 deals with 11 schemes—£1.59 million—initiated by the Department of Commerce; capital costs are borne by the Department or other Government agencies, but the appropriate district council will be responsible for running and maintenance costs. Table 2 shows 38 schemes—£0.56 million—initiated by local authorities and approved by the Department of Commerce; in these cases the appropriate district council is liable for all costs, but a contribution towards capital costs is made by the Department.

Further tourists amenity schemes are at various stages of planning or discussion but firm decisions on their implementation have not yet been taken.

Council area Scheme Total estimated cost Costs borne by Department of Commerce Costs borne by Government Departments or Agencies other than Department of Commerce
£ £ £
Down DC
Castle Park, Newcastle Landscaping, picnic areas, car parks, toilet blocks, pitch and putt course 132,000 75,000 57,000 In progress
Moyle DC
Ballintoy Teahouse, seawall, car park, picnic areas 64,000 64,000 Completed
Cushendall / Waterfoot Boat slip, toilet block, car and boat parks, picnic areas 73,000 73,000 Completed
Giants Causeway Tramway Re-instatement of part of tramway to Giants Causeway 380,000 380,000 Preliminary works in progress
Coleraine DC
Giants Causeway Tramway See above. Line of track runs through both Coleraine and Moyle DC areas
Cookstown DC
Ballyronan Boat harbour i.e. breakwater and dredging to provide inner harbour with jetties 210,000 210,000 In progress
Fermanagh DC
Mullynascarty Transit caravan park, picnic areas, car parks, administration building 148,000 67,000 81,000 Completed
Castlearchdale Boat harbour, car/boat park, administration building 280,000 280,000 In progress
Bellanaleck Toilet block 7,000 7,000 Completed
Belleck Boat Basin Safe boat harbour—contribution from TD funds to Department of Agriculture scheme 80,000 30,000 50,000 In progress
Craigavon BC
Kinnegoe Marina Breakwater to enclose inner harbour with jetties 210,000 210,000 In progress
Magherafelt DC
Tobermore Toilet block 9,500 9,500 Completed

Council Scheme Total estimated cost Grant offered Estimated cost to council
£ £ £
Limavady (1) Toilet and open space at Feeny 7,600 3,800 3,800
(2) Vehicle/boating ramp to beach at Benone 7,000 3,500 3,500
Coleraine (1) Acquisition of Port-an-Doo lido, Portrush 4,887 3,665 1,222
(2) Toilet facilities at Harbour Road, Portstewart 29,086 14,543 14,543
Moyle Improvements at Ballintoy Harbour 34,833 17,417 17,416
Larne (1) Brown's Bay—acquisition and demolition of cottage 1,382 974 408
(2) Brown's Bay—Seawall, improvement of car park, picnic areas, play area, planting 38,970 19,485 19,485
(3) Glenarm (Supplementary) Scheme—Rebuilding of part of cemetery wall, provision of Draughts/Chess Area, putting green etc. 4,733 2,367 2,366
Cookstown Public convenience, retaining walls and car park at Coagh 19,350 9,675 9,675

Council Scheme Total estimated cost Grant offered Estimated cost to council
£ £ £
Fermanagh (1) Improvement of car park and picnic site at Devenish/Trory 1,500 750 750
(2) Toilet block at Carrybridge 14,434 7,217 7,217
(3) Toilet block at Rossigh 14,434 7,217 7,217
(4) Inishmacsaint supplementary (provision of portable toilets at car park on access road to Inishmacsaint Island) 1,026 513 513
(5) Car park and drain repairs at Bellanaleck 1,220 810 410
(6) Layby on Enniskillen-Belleek Road 1,444 722 722
(7) Broadmeadow—Extension of floating landing stages 9,000 4,500 2,300*
(8) Improvement and extension of berthing facilities at Kesh River 1,004 502 502
(9) Tullycastle—car park and path 24,000 11,100 12,900
Craigavon (1) Conversion of Waterside House to Oxford Island Centre/Hostel 9,800 4,900 4,900
Armagh (1) Clare Glen—toilet block in south car park 16,160 8,080 8,080
(2) Tandragee river walk to Clare Glen 6,500 4,875 1,625
(3) Public convenience at Loughgall 6,950 3,507 3,443
(4) Folk/History Museum in Poyntzpass 2,200 1,225 975
Newry and Mourne Conversion of existing swimming pool to children's boating pool 25,000 12,500 12,500
Down (1) Provision of new entrance to Donard car park, Newcastle 26,000 14,730 11,270
(2) Castle Park recreation park—acquisition of land 3,000 2,250 750
(3) Public convenience at Killough 11,731 6,674 5,057
(4) Toilet block at Dundrum Bay 7,500 3,750 3,750
(5) Toilet block at Market Street, Downpatrick 11,466 5,733 5,733
(6) Extension of existing gentleman's toilets at central promenade, Newcastle 8,264 4,132 4,132
(7) Purchase and erection of fifteen Tourist Information notice boards 750 375 375
Lisburn Wash-house, toilet and recreation block at transit caravan site Moira, Co. Down 15,680 7,840 7,840
North Down Extension of toilet facilities at Bowling Green, Ward Park, Bangor 12,026 6,013 6,013
Ards (1) Car park and picnic site at Ratallagh, Cloughey 4,950 2,525 2,425
(2) Quay extension and slipway at Portaferry 63,586 31,793 31,793
(3) Car parks and picnic sites at Ballywalter 2,700 1,350 1,350
(4) Car park, picnic area, and toilet at Whiterock 20,100 10,050 10,050
(5) Seafront improvement at Ballywalter 90,000 48,600 41,400
* Department of Agriculture provided landing stage at estimated cost £2,200.

Mr. Wm. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will make a statement on how the present level of violence compares with that obtaining in January 1975.

Mr. Merlyn Rees

The police and the Army are continuing to deal firmly with security incidents in Northern Ireland and to bring criminals from both sides of the community before the courts. In April of this year, which is the latest complete month for which figures are available, 20

people, including six members of the security forces, were killed as a result of terrorism compared with eight people, of whom two were members of the security forces, killed in January 1975. 111 persons were charged with terrorist type offences in April compared with 88 in January 1975.

The activity of the security forces will continue to reflect operational needs in each part of the Province.