§ Mr. George Cunninghamasked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is his estimate of the number of persons throughout the world holding the status of "British subject/Commonwealth citizen" in British Law; what percentage this represents of the estimated world population; and in how many countries a majority of the population holds this status.
§ Mr. LuardThe estimated number of British subjects/Commonwealth citizens in British law is 957.5 million. This excludes the large numbers of citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies in South Africa and the United States of America, and citizens of other Commonwealth countries in all foreign countries, which are not available. The estimated number given above is 25.3 per cent. of estimated world population. The status of British subject/Commonwealth citizen in British law is held by the majority of the population in 33 independent Commonwealth countries, five associated620W States and 15 dependent territories—a total of 53 countries.