HC Deb 07 July 1976 vol 914 cc547-8W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will cause an investigation to be made ascertaining how and why a letter from Prisoner Archer of Parkhurst Prison sent to the hon. Member for Newham, North-West and dated 16th June was not sent until 22nd June; why this prisoner has been barred from writing and sending mail; under what Act or Statutory Rule or Regulation this ban has been imposed; and whether this prisoner can send this communication through his Member of Parliament.

Mr. John

Prison records show that the letter to the hon. Member was sent on 16th June. The prisoner has not been barred from sending letters, but some of his correspondence has been stopped under Rule 33(2) of the Prison Rules, either because it contains complaints about prison treatment which should first be investigated within the prison, or because it is not directed to known friends, relatives or legal advisers. A prisoner may not request a third party to send on his behalf a communication which he has not been allowed to send himself.