HC Deb 26 January 1976 vol 904 cc55-6W
Dr. Hampson

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether his Department has conducted any research into the perception by pupils in their final years at school of the world of work; and if he will publish the results.

Miss Joan Lestor

Aspects of school pupils' attitudes to the world of work have been examined in surveys carried out in recent years by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS) and published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office under the following titles:— Young School Leavers "—An enquiry carried out for the Schools Council. 1968. Looking Forward to Work "—An enquiry carried out on behalf of the Central Youth Employment Executive. 1974. Fifth Form Girls: their hopes for the future "—A survey carried out on behalf of the Department of Education and Science. 1975.

A pilot survey of the attitudes of young people to school, work and higher education was carried out for my Department by OPCS in collaboration with Professor Gareth Williams. Publication of a preliminary report is under consideration.

Current research into the construction and use in schools of job knowledge indices by Mr. M. J. Kirton of Hatfield Polytechnic is grant-aided by my Department and the Department of Employment. The question of publication will be considered when the final report is received.

Some relevant information is also expected to become available from the third sweep—at age 16—of the National Child Development Study, which is funded partly by my Department. The Schools Council careers education project, whose material will be published when ready, is also germane. The Council receives half its funds from my Department.

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