HC Deb 26 February 1976 vol 906 cc324-5W
Sir Bernard Braine

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many fires in how many schools in England and Wales were caused in each of the years 1966 to 1975, inclusive, shown separately; what was the total assumed cost of such fires; in how many cases arson was suspected or proved; and what steps are being taken to improve the security of all schools and to ensure proper fireproofing of all temporary wooden buildings.

Mr. Gerry Fowler

The information requested is given in the table below.

My Department has recently published a new edition of Building Bulletin 7 "Fire and the Design of Schools" which offers guidance to architects and designers in meeting the statutory requirements for means of escape, structural fire precautions and other matters in the design

Total number of fires in all educational establishments in England and Walesa Number of fires in maintained day schools in England and Wales Known cases of arson in maintained schools in England and Wales Number of major fires in maintained schools in England and Wales§ Cost of major fires in maintained schools in England and Wales £ million
1966 1,030 690 19 0 . 58
1967 1,145 733 14 0 . 43
1968 1,486 852 156 18 0 . 62
1969 1,576 938 196 29 0 . 92
1970 1,620 968 203 24 0 . 74
1971 1,639 930 208 36 0 . 82
1972 1,889 1,042 306 29 2 . 19
1973 2,070 1,230 398 67 4 . 19
1974 69 6 . 78
1975* 66* 6 . 44*
*Provisional;—Figures not available.
† Includes maintained and independent schools, colleges and universities.
‡ Information from the records of the Municipal Mutual Insurance Co. Ltd. indicate that, when suspected cases are included, arson probably accounted for more than 60 per cent. of all school fires in 1974.
§ Up to 1973 a "major fire" was one causing more than £10,000 damage, For 1974 this figure was taken as £15.000 and from April 1975, £20,000.