§ Mr. David Howellasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a breakdown of the effects of the measures announced on 15th December on employment and unemployment, in order to show (a) the total long-term effects on employment and unemployment of the reductions in expenditure, (b) the total long-term effects on employment and unemployment of the increases in expenditure on assistance to industry and employment subsidies and (c) the total long-term effects on employment and unemployment of the reductions in expenditure plus the increases in revenue.
§ Mr. Joel BarnettThe object of the measures announced on 15th December is to restore conditions in which the economy can return to growth and eventual full employment. The long-term226W effect of the measures, therefore, will be the achievement of full employment. It is not possible to determine the speed of our return to full employment: that will depend on the recovery and expansion of world economic activity and on our own success in competing for a better share of the world's markets. The estimates given by the Chancellor of the direct effects of the measures on employment refer to the short and medium term.