HC Deb 16 December 1976 vol 922 c813W
Mr. Durant

asked the Secretary of State for Trade how much financial assistance is given by the Government to aid the commercial exploitation of British films overseas.

Mr. Meacher,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 13th December 1976; Vol. 922, c. 518], gave the following information:

Assistance is available, as for other products, for the promotion of British films overseas under the British Overseas Trade Board's Joint Venture and Outward Mission Schemes. Under the Joint Venture Scheme the BOTB may provide support for a group of British exhibitors sponsored by a trade association or other recognised body at an established overseas trade fair. The Outward Mission Scheme provides for support to sponsored groups of British exporters travelling outside Western Europe. No applications for such assistance have been received from makers or distributors of British cinematographic films.

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