§ Mr. Bakerasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will list the statutory powers, and other means available to him, to control or influence the number of people employed by, and the wage and salary bill of, local authorities or other public sector bodies not part of central Government.
§ Dr. SummerskillMy right hon. Friend has relevant powers under the following:
- (a) Police Act 1964 (numbers of police officers, pay and conditions of service of police officers and police cadets);
- (b) Metropolitan Police Acts 1829–1959 (numbers of police officers and pay and conditions of service of Metropolitan Police civil staff);
- (c) Coroners (Amendment) Act 1926 S.5 (appellate function in respect of coroners' salaries);
- (d) Powers of Criminal Courts Act 1973 Schedule III (conditions of service of probation officers);
- (e) Justices of the Peace Act 1949, Section 26 (expenditure by Magistrates' Courts Committees);
- (f) Race Relations Act 1968 Section 14(6) and Schedule II (Race Relations Board);
- (g) Race Relations Act 1968, Section 25(2) and Schedule IV (Community Relations Commission);
- (h) Gaming Act 1968 Section 43 and Schedule I (Gaming Board for Great Britain);
- (i) Criminal Justice Act 1967 Section 59 and Schedule II (Parole Board);
- (j) Immigration Act 1971, Schedule V (tribunal members, adjudicators and staff of the Immigration Appellate Authority);
- (k) Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Section 53 and Schedule III (Equal Opportunities Commission);
- (l) Civil Defence Act 1948, Section 3 (grants to local authorities and police authorities in respect of expenditure on their civil defence functions);
- (m) Local Government Act 1966 Section 11 (Commonwealth immigrant grant);
- (n) Local Government Grants (Social Need) Act 1969 (the urban programme grants);
372- (o) Immigration Act 1971 Section 23 (Grants to the United Kingdom Immigrant Advisory Service).
In respect of local authorities I would refer the hon. Member to the answer given today by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment.