HC Deb 06 August 1976 vol 916 cc1105-7W
Mr. Maxwell-Hyslop

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish a list of the members of the Schools' Council, the date on which each member was appointed, the qualifications on which each member was appointed and the date of retirement of each member under the existing rules.

Chairman Date of appointment
Sir Alex Smith 1st September 1975
Ex-officio members and deputy chairmen
Sir Granville Beynon 1968 (retires 1976)
Mr. W. Cooke, O.B.E. 1975
Mr. A. H. Jennings 1975
Mr. D. E. Powell, C.B.E. 1972
Organisations in membership of the Governing Representative(s) Council
National Union of Teachers Mr. D. G. Bonner 1976
Mr. J. Chambers 1970
Mrs. E. Clayton 1976
Miss J. C. Davenport 1975
Mr. H. Dowson 1976
Mr. A. Evans 1970
Mr. R. S. Fisher 1970
Mr. G. S. Foster 1972
Mr. J. Gray 1969
Mr. P. L. Griffin 1976
Mr. F. F. Jarvis 1969
Miss B. Lynn 1972
Mr. D. I. Morgan 1975
Mr. A. Noonan 1972
Dr. W. Roy 1973
Mr. A. Smith 1975
Mr. J. W. Wiggen 1975
Incorporated Association of Headmasters Mr. B. H. Holbeche, C.B.E. 1968
Mr. D. J. W. Williams 1973
Association of Head Mistresses Miss E. J. Bradbury 1975
Miss M. M. N. McLauchlan 1975
Assistant Masters Association Mr. D. E. Clayton 1976
Mr. A. W. S. Hutchings, C.B.E. 1968
Mr. J. W. B. Ruffle 1968
Association of Assistant Mistresses Miss J. E. L. Baird 1976
Miss B. M. Hale 1974
Miss S. D. Wood 1968
National Association of Schoolmasters and Mr. T. A. Casey 1968
Union of Women Teachers. Mr R. B. Cocking 1968
Mr. A. M. S. Poole 1975
Mr. F. A. Smithies 1971
National Association of Head Teachers Mrs. M. Bright-Thomas 1970
Mr. T. W. Kirk 1975
Mr. F. C. Mills 1975
Headmasters' Conference Mr. M. McCrum 1968
Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools Mr. R. A. Stillman 1973
National Association of Teachers in Further and Mr. T. Driver 1968
Higher Education. Mr. W. A. G. Easton 1968
Mr. D. B. Edwards 2 vacancies 1968

Mr. Gerry Fowler

The information requested is given below. The chairman is appointed by my right hon. Friend for a period of three years. Member interests appoint their own representatives, who serve until replaced. The chairmen of the council's three curriculum steering committees and of its Committee for Wales are ex-officio members of the Governing Council and serve as deputy chairmen. Co-opted members are appointed individually by the Governing Council for a term recently fixed as three years.

Organisations in membership of the Governing Council Representative(s) Date of appointment
Association of County Councils Mr. J. R. Coxon 1968
Sir Alan Lubbock 1968
Association of Metropolitan Authorities (in Dr. E. W. H. Briault, C.B.E. 1972
cluding Inner London Education Authority). Mrs. I. Chaplin, J.P. 1975
Mr. A. G. Groves 1974
Association of Education Committees The Lord Alexander of Potterhill 1968
Councillor T. Taylor, C.B.E., J.P. 1973
Welsh Joint Education Committee Mr. J. Brace 1973
Mr. D. Andrew Davies 1968
Society of Education Officers Mr. G. F. Crump 1975
Church of England Board of Education Schools Council. Mr. M. G. R. Adams 1974
Catholic Education Council Mr. J. N. Winstanley 1972
Free Church Federal Council Mr. E. R. Taylor 1974
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals Dr. C. C. Butler, F.R.S. 1968
of the Universities of the United Kingdom Professor N. Pye 1975
Professor W. A. C. Stewart 1974
Dr. G. Templeman 1968
Association of Principals of Colleges Mr. A. L. Davies 1972
Mr. G. J. Edwards 1976
Universities Council for the Education of Professor R. d'Aeth 1974
Teachers. Professor A. M. Ross 1968
Professor Jac L. Williams 1968
Technician Education Council Mr. F. G. Hanroft 1974
Business Education Council Mr. J. M. Bruce Lockhart 1976
Council for National Academic Awards Dr. E. Kerr 1972
National Foundation for Educational Research Mr. A, Yates 1972
GCE Examining Boards, acting jointly Professor H. Billett 1975
CSE Examining Boards, acting jointly Mr. E. P. Iball 1974
National Association of Inspectors and Edu- Mr. R. Cave 1976
cational Advisers.
Association of University Teachers Professor W. V. Wallace 1975
Trades Union Congress Mr. R. A. Jackson 1975
Confederation of British Industry Mr. C. J. Ball 1971
National Confederation of Parent-Teacher Mrs. J. Madgwick 1971
Secretary of State for Education and Science Miss S. J. Browne, H.M.I. 1974
Mr. E. O. Davies, H.M.I. 1972
Mr. J. A. Hudson 1969
Co-opted members
Mr. J. Beale 1970
Mr. G. V. Pape 1970
Miss M. Stevenson 1970
Department of Education in Northern Ireland Mr. J. Ferguson, H.M.I. 1975
Scottish Education Department Mr. A. D. Chirnside 1974