HL Deb 31 October 1975 vol 365 cc857-8WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have completed the consideration which was promised in a Statement in this House on 24th September of measures to help provide employment where it is most needed in the construction industry, and whether they will make a statement.

The LORD PRIVY SEAL (Lord Shepherd)

Arrangements will be made immediately with the local authorities and other bodies concerned for new work to be commissioned from the construction industry for completion by the end of 1976–77, distributed as shown in the table below. In England the works will be undertaken mainly but not exclusively in the Assisted Areas; in Scotland there will be similar preference for localities where unemployment in construction is most serious, and in Wales the aim will be to alleviate unemployment in the industry while contributing to improving the housing stock. The projects authorised under these arrangements will be directed to social and economic purposes to which the Government are giving priority, including assistance to inner city areas.

£ million
1. Improvements of publicly owned housing 12
2. National Health Service 4
3. Education 4
4. Other local authority services (at local discretion subject to central guidance on priorities—e.g. youth employment, fire precautions in old people's homes etc.) 4

A corresponding programme of works will also be undertaken in Northern Ireland, suiting the Government's priorities in the Province, at a cost of £2 million; details will be announced as soon as possible.

House adjourned at twenty-one minutes before five o'clock.