HC Deb 25 November 1975 vol 901 cc151-2W
Mr. Richard Wainwright

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is her policy in the exercise of Ministerial direction or control of local services; and what circumstances lead her to issue circulars to regional and area health authorities.

Mrs. Castle

Regional and area health authorities in England carry out their functions as my agents. My policy is to delegate as much responsibility as is consistent with my accountability to Parliament for the health services. I issue circulars to authorities when it is necessary to provide them with advice and guidance on national policies or procedure, to authorise them to take particular action on my behalf or to seek information from them.

My function in relation to local authority social services is one of general guidance, supplemented by certain detailed controls which I seek to exercise so far as is practicable in accordance with the authorities' own assessment of priorities.