HC Deb 13 May 1975 vol 892 c70W
45. Mr. Speed

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many single bed rooms are currently available for NHS patients in hospitals within the health service; and what proportion this represents of the total numbers of beds available.

Dr. Owen

The information is not available centrally. My Department's guidance is that 20 per cent. of adult acute beds in new hospital building should be provided in single rooms.

Mr. Speed

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what criteria are used in determining whether a National Health Service patient in a health service hospital should be placed in a single bed room.

Dr. Owen

This is primarily a matter for the medical and nursing staff concerned to determine. Among the criteria that would be considered are: — (a) Risk of the patient infecting others; (b) A patient particularly susceptible to infection; (c) A seriously ill patient; (d) A patient requiring special clinical attention, quiet surroundings, or privacy; (e) A patient likely to disturb others.