§ Mr. Leeasked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection how many take-over bids have been referred to the Monopolies Commission since 1964; and in how many instances such bids have been prevented following such references.
Mr. Alan WilliamsSince 1965, when the legislation to control mergers came into effect, 40 references have been made.
ACCIDENTS IN THE HOME AND RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTIONS, DEATH BY CAUSE AND AGE GROUP ENGLAND AND WALES, 1972 All Ages 0–14 Home Residential Institution Home Residential Institution Accidental poisoning by drugs and medicaments 430 8 15 2 Accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances 36 — 3 — Accidental poisoning by gases and vapours 177 — 8 — Falls 2,778 916 61 1 Burns 664 16 143 — Scalds and accidents caused by corrosive liquids 27 11 6 — Electrocution 69 1 21 — Inhalation and ingestion of food 234 74 126 7 Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted 488 18 9 1 Other accidents 456 36 201 2 Totals 5,359 1,080 593 13 Nine bids were withdrawn following the Government's acceptance of adverse reports by the commission and 10 more before the commission had completed its inquiries.