§ Dr. John A. Cunninghamasked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will make a statement about the size, rôeed for the expansion of the Energy Technology Support Unit.
§ Mr. VarleyThe Energy Technology Support Unit was set up in April 1974 with a budget for 1974–75 of £200,000. The present strength is 10 scientific and 3W engineering grades, with four supporting clerical staff. Budget provision for 1975–76 is £400,000, which could provide for some expansion in the number of staff. The rôle of the unit is to assist my Department in establishing and assessing the technological strategy options available to the United Kingdom in the field of energy policy and to advise on possible new areas of Government-sponsored R. & D. which could contribute towards the solution of long-term energy problems. The staffing requirements of the unit are kept under review; further expansion will be determined in the light of my Department's continuing need for support and of the results of the unit's present assessment programme.