HC Deb 28 July 1975 vol 896 c359W
29. Mr. Kelley

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will give the number of motor vehicles manufactured within the European Economic Community which were imported into the United Kingdom during the past 10 years, and the value of such imports in sterling; and if he will also give comparable figures for British vehicles exported to those countries over the same period.

Mr. Shore

The information required is given below. However, I should say that between 1965 and 1974 we have moved from a sizeable surplus to a substantial deficit with the EEC in our car trade.

The information is as follows:

Imports Exports
Number £'000 cif Number £000 fob
1965 51,987 2,5741 221,932 75,092
1966 61,799 25,252 173,752 69,502
1967 83,387 34,577 167,472 67,597
1968 89,310 42,552 235,602 86,712
1969 92,815 47,356 251,044 99,760
1970 143,449 74,832 236,010 102,066
1971 251,442 149,696 247,943 114 445
1972 361,208 260,336 233,255 109,492
1973 374,321 337,436 267,136 154,555
1974 280,555 298,693 193,344 140,862