HC Deb 30 January 1975 vol 885 cc304-7W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what study he has made of the differences between accounting and auditing practice in the United Kingdom or other countries of the European Community and the problems that would occur in the event of harmonisation of such practices.

Mr. Clinton Davis

My Department has taken account of the differences in accounting and auditing practice between the United Kingdom and other member States in its consideration of EEC proposals for harmonisation of the form and content of company accounts consolidated accounts and auditors qualifications. These proposals and their likely effect on United Kingdom law and practice are the subject of continuing detailed study by the Department in consultation with the accountancy profession and representatives of other interested organisations.

Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what was the approximate amount of United Kingdom capital investment in the original six member States of the EEC for each of the years

£ million
1970 1971 1972
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.1 0.2 0.7
Mining and quarrying .. -0.1
Mechanical engineering and instrument engineering 7.4† 9.2† 23.8
Electrical engineering 6.7
Shipbuilding and vehicles (excluding motors) .. 14.1‡ -0.5
Motor vehicle manufacture 8.3
Food drink and tobacco 54.0† 148.1† 33.9
Chemical and allied industries 16.4
Metal manufacture 0.3
Textiles, leather clothing and footwear 3.8
Paper, printing and publishing 3.1
Rubber -0.2
Other manufacture 12.4
Construction 1.2 0.3 4.4
Transport and communications other than shipping 1.5 1.9 7.3
Shipping 0.8 1.6 0.1
Distributive trades 18.6 39.8 75.1
Other financial institutions -6.2 -2.9 0.4
Property owning and managing 0.2† 50.2† -7.8
Other activities 34.0
Total 77.8‡ 262.5‡ 222.4‡
* Excluding oil.
† Figures for industries bracketed together were not compiled separately for 1970 and 1971.
‡ Components do not necessarily add to totals because each figure has been rounded independently; also, for 1970, figures not shown separately are included in the total.
— Nil or less than £50,000.
.. Figures cannot be shown separately because information about individual firms would be disclosed.

Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Trade (1) if he will publish a table in the Official Report showing the changes in the level and balance of trade between the United Kingdom and the six original members of the European Economic Community, identifying where practicable those items where any significant

1970 to 1974, indicating where practicable the categories of enterprise in which such investment has been made, including that of productive industry.

Mr. Deakins

The information available is given in the table below. It relates to United Kingdom investment net of disinvestment; portfolio, oil and miscellaneous investment—including other investment in real estate—are not covered. United Kingdom direct investment is the total investment by United Kingdom companies in their overseas branches, subsidiaries and associates, including reinvested profits; separate information is not available on the investment in fixed assets of these overseas affiliates. Corresponding information relating to 1973 will be published in this year's Business Monitor, M4, Overseas Transactions.

changes have occurred, between the years 1970 and 1974;

(2) If he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the changes in the level and balance of trade between the United Kingdom and Denmark and Eire, respectively, identifying where practicable those items where any significant changes have occurred, between the years 1970 and 1974.

Mr. Deakins

There is no commodity analysis of trade on a balance of payments basis, and it is therefore necessary to use information on an overseas trade statistics basis. For 1970, information at division level relating to imports is published in Table 1 of Volume 1 of the Annual Statement of Overseas Trade; corresponding information relating to exports may be found in Table III of that publication. Similar data for 1974 is provided in Tables II and V of the monthlyOverseas Trade Statistics for December 1974, an advance copy of

SITC(R) Division 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
01—Meat and Meat Preparations
EEC (six) 6 7 6 9 12
Denmark and Eire 40 41 36 34 47
Rest of World 54 52 58 57 42
02—Dairy Products and Eggs
EEC (six) 9 13 12 26 46
Denmark and Eire 31 28 30 39 37
Rest of World 59 58 58 35 17
03—Fish and Fish Preparations
EEC (six) 5 6 6 8 10
Denmark and Eire 11 11 11 12 14
Rest of World 83 83 82 80 77
04—Cereal and Cereal Preparations
EEC (six) 18 19 22 39 50
Denmark and Eire 1 1 2 3 3
Rest of World 81 80 77 58 47
05—Fruit and Vegetables
EEC (six) 19 19 20 20 22
Denmark and Eire 2 2 2 1 1
Rest of World 80 80 78 79 77
06—Sugar, Sugar Preparations and Honey
EEC (six) 6 3 3 6 18
Denmark and Eire 1 1 2 2 4
Rest of World 93 95 95 92 78
07—Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Spices and Manufactures thereof
EEC (six) 6 6 7 11 15
Denmark and Eire 4 4 6 5 6
Rest of World 90 90 87 84 79
08—Feeding Stuffs for Animals (excluding unmilled cereals)
EEC (six) 9 12 12 12 16
Denmark and Eire 12 16 20 18 20
Rest of World 79 72 68 71 65
09—Miscellaneous Food Preparations
EEC (six) 27 32 44 48 50
Denmark and Eire 8 9 10 10 12
Rest of World 66 59 46 41 38
Note: In some cases the figures do not add to 100 because they have been rounded to the nearest whole number.