HC Deb 22 November 1974 vol 881 cc556-8W
Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if she will express the increased level of standard rate of unemployment and sickness benefits for (a) a single person, and (b) assuming one adult dependant announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(2) if she will express the increased level of invalidity, widow's and retirement pensions and widowed mother's allowance announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(3) if she will express the increased level of the three rates of the invalidity allowance announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(4) if she will express the increased level of the higher and lower rate of the attendance allowance announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(5) if she will express the increased level of industrial injury benefit announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(6) if she will express the increased level of disablement benefit at 100 per cent. assessment announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(7) if she will express the increased level of the industrial death benefit announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(8) if she will express the increased level of the ordinary weekly rate of supplementary benefit for a single person living alone announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(9) if she will express the increased level of the proposed long-term weekly rate of supplementary benefit for a single person living alone announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(10) if she will express the increased level of the ordinary weekly rate of supplementary benefit for a husband and wife and two dependants aged 15 years announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(11) if she will express the increased level of the long-term weekly rate of supplementary benefit for a husband and wife and two dependants aged 15 years announced on 13th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings;

(12) if she will express the increased level of family allowances for the second child announced on 12th November as a percentage of average industrial earnings.

Mr. O'Malley

I regret that, as these benefit levels do not apply until next April it is not possible to express them in the form requested by the hon. Gentleman.