HC Deb 19 November 1974 vol 881 cc381-3W
Mr. David Steel

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT details of any official visits to African Commonwealth countries carried out by Ministers from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the last 10 years.

1970 Miss Joan Lestor

List A below gives details of the principal visits by Ministers of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Commonwealth States in Africa since October 1968—the date at which the Foreign Office and Commonwealth Office merged. List B gives principal visits by Commonwealth Office Ministers.

List A

1968 (November—December)

November. Minister without Portfolio (Mr. Thomson to Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

December. Minister of State (Lord Shepherd) to Nigeria.

May/June. Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Mr. Foley) to Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone.

October. Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Mr. Foley) to Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Zambia.

December. Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Mr. Foley) to Nigeria.

January. Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Mr. Foley) to Nigeria.

November/December. Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Lord Lothian) to Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Gambia.


October Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Lord Lothian) to Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya.


January Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Lord Lothian) to Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho.

October Minister of State (Lady Tweedsmuir) to Zambia, Malawi.


January Minister of State (Lady Tweedsmuir) to The Gambia and Sierre Leone.

February Secretary of State (Sir Alec Douglas Home) to Nigeria.

September Minister of State (Lady Tweedsmuir) to Tanzania.

December Minister of State (Lady Tweedsmuri) to Nigeria.


February Secretary of State (Sir Alec Douglas Home) to Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya.

May Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Miss Lestor) to Zambia and Kenya.


Visits to dependent territories (including Rhodesia) have not been shown.


Visits by Ministers for Overseas Development and Chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster are omitted.


Ministerial visits to Commonwealth Africa by Commonwealth Office Ministers.

1964 (November—December)



April Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Lord Taylor) to Sierra Leone.

August Secretary of State (Mr. Bottomley) to Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.

October Secretary of State (Mr. Bottomley) to Tanzania.

December Secretary of State (Mr. Bottomley) to Zambia.


January Secretary of State (Mr. Bottomley) to Zambia.

May Minister of State (Mrs. Hart) to Zambia.

June Minister of State (Mrs. Hart) to Zambia.

September Secretary of State (Mr. Bowden) to Kenya.

November Secretary of State (Mr. Bowden) to Kenya.


January Minister of State (Mr. Thomas) to Ghana.

April Minister of State (Mr. Thomas) to Kenya.

October Minister of State (Mr. Thomas) to Malawi, Botswana and Lesotho.

October Secretary of State (Mr. Thomson) to Tandania, Uganda and Kenya.

November Secretary of State (Mr. Thomson) to Zambia, Kenya.

1968 (to October)

June Minister of State (Lord Shepherd) to Nigeria.

September Secretary of State (Mr. Thomson) to Lesotho and Swaziland.

September Minister of State (Lord Shepherd) to Nigeria.