HC Deb 21 May 1974 vol 874 cc99-102W
Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what representations she has received from the Society of Radiographers and individual radiographers regarding the system of Whitley Council negotiations; and if she will examine possible alternatives to this system for negotiating radiographers' pay;

(2)what representations she has received from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and individual physiotherapists regarding the system of Whitley Council negotiations; and if she will examine possible alternatives to this system for negotiating physiotherapists' pay;

(3)what representations she has received from the Association of Occupational Therapists and individual occupational therapists regarding the system of Whitley Council negotiations; and if she will examine possible alternatives to this system for negotiating occupational therapists' pay.

Dr. Owen

We have received formal representations from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and are aware of concern within the other professions about the working of the council in which they are represented. We have also received a number of similar representations from individual members of these professions. The National Health Service Whitley Councils were set up by voluntary agreement between staff and management; changes may be proposed in the councils by either side, but my right hon. Friend is willing to consider any proposals the Staff Side may wish to discuss with her.

Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if she is prepared to meet a deputation from the Society of Radiographers to discuss their grievances regarding the way in which their pay is fixed, and the way conditions, prospects and recruitment to the radiography profession are examined; and if she will make a statement;

(2)if she is prepared to meet a deputation from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists to discuss their grievances regarding the way in which their pay is fixed, and the way conditions, prospects and recruitment to the physiotherapy profession are examined; and if she will make a statement;

(3)if she is prepared to meet a deputation from the Association of Occupational Therapists to discuss their grievances regarding the way in which their pay is fixed, and the way conditions, prospects and recruitment to the occupational therapist profession are examined; and if she will make a statement.

Dr. Owen

If the Staff Side on which all these professional bodies are represented would like to meet me I should be glad to receive it.

Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what representations she has received from the Society of Radiographers regarding the declining morale in the profession; what steps she intends taking to improve morale; and if she will make a statement;

(2) what representations she has received from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists regarding the declining morale in the profession; what steps she intends taking to improve morale; and if she will make a statement:

(3) what representations she has received from the Association of Occupational Therapists regarding the declining morale in the profession; what steps she intends taking to improve morale; and if she will make a statement.

Dr. Owen

We have received formal representations from the Society of Radiographers and are aware of a similar concern within the other professions, and my right hon. Friend has written to the Chairman of the Staff Side of the Whitley Council on which these bodies are represented about measures that would enable consideration of desirable developments in their role and structure to be pursued.

Mr. Carter-Jones

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what central guidance on methods of stimulating recruitment of radiographers she is now considering;

(2)in view of the shortage of radiographers, what central guidance on methods of bringing radiographers back into the National Health Service from service with private agencies she will give to areas health authorities;

(3)what central guidance on methods of stimulating recruitment of physiotherapists she will give to area health authorities.

(4)in view of the shortage of physiotherapists, what central guidance on methods of bringing physiotherapists back into the National Health Service from service with private agencies she will give to area health authorities;

(5)what central guidance on methods of stimulating recruitment of occupational therapists she will give to area health authorities.

(6)in view of the shortage of occupational therapists what central guidance on methods of bringing occupational therapists back into the National Health Service from service with private agencies she will give to area health authorities.

Dr. Owen

We are pursuing a number of possibilities for these and other professions, related both to new recruits and to the attraction of qualified staff back into National Health Service employment. In particular we are reviewing the current methods of advertising for a range of National Health Service careers, and are considering how facilities for staff who can work only part-time might be improved.