§ LORD OAKSHOTTasked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether in the interests of greater security in the Palace of Westminster, consideration may be given:
- (i) to making it compulsory for Members of both Houses to carry photographic identification cards, bearing the Westminster Portcullis crest; and
458- (ii) to making regulations on the same lines governing all personnel and staff who habitually use the Palace of Westminster.
§ THE LORD PRIVY SEAL (LORD SHEPHERD)Photographic passes are already issued on a voluntary basis to Peers. On March 21, 1972, my predecessor as Leader of the House, the noble Earl, Lord Jellicoe, urged all Peers to acquire these (Hansard, col 596) and so far 513 Peers have done so. To compel Peers to carry a photographic pass would require a Resolution of the House, and I think the House may be reluctant to take such a step in advance of the Administrative Committee completing their review of security matters.
As far as the House of Commons is concerned, this is entirely a matter for Members of that House, but I would draw the attention of the noble Lord to a Motion which is down on the Commons Order Paper in the name of the Lord President of the Council which would make it compulsory for Members of the House of Commons to carry passes.
As far as the staff of the House of Lords is concerned, the House accepted on March 17, 1971, a recommendation from the Offices Committee that passes should be issued to staff of the House. Photographic passes have since been issued to all staff and other personnel who regularly attend the House. Other appropriate passes are also issued to those who attend occasionally or for the day.
House adjourned at twenty-one minutes past three o'clock.