HL Deb 22 May 1973 vol 342 cc1189-90WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish details of the special allowances which may be added to the basic cost-yardstick for housing schemes and whether they have considered recent statements by the Chairman of the London Boroughs' Association Works Committee and by the Vice-Chairman of the London Branch of the City and Borough Architects' Association on the subject of yardsticks and fixed price tenders.


I would refer to the explanation of the arrangements for special market allowances given in answer to the noble Lord's Question on May 8. The allowances are assessed separately for individual schemes in the light of local market conditions which vary widely from area to area and scheme to scheme. My honourable friend the Minister for Housing and Construction met representatives of the London Boroughs' Association on April 17, together with representatives of the Association of Municipal Corporations and the Greater London Council, and is fully aware of their views.