§ Mr. Dalyellasked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is satisfied with the system whereby property belonging to the Forestry Commission, if for sale, must be offered to all Government Departments 18W before it can be put on to the open market; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. Gordon CampbellYes. The procedure is common to all Government Departments and I see no need to make an exception in the case of the Forestry Commission.
§ Mr. Dalyellasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what he is doing to encourage construction of chalets in Forestry Commission areas.
§ Mr. Gordon CampbellThe Forestry Commission is building 12 cabins in Strathyre Forest in Perthshire for letting on a weekly basis for holiday accommodation. They should be ready for use in the Spring of this year.
The commission is considering the possibility of further developments of this kind in other forests, where appropriate in partnership with private developers.
§ Mr. Dalyellasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is his policy in regard to the sale of surplus properties owned by the Forestry Commission for holiday homes.
§ Mr. Gordon CampbellSubject to the claims of sitting tenants surplus Forestry Commission houses in Scotland not required by other Government Departments or local authorities are normally offered on the open market by public tender. The ultimate use is a matter for the purchasers.