HL Deb 19 December 1973 vol 348 cc445-52WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which developing countries have loans outstanding from Her Majesty's Government, and what is that amount of each case; what is the annual total of repayments and interest receivable, and whether figures can be given showing average annual income per head and annual loan repayment and interest per head in the countries concerned.


My Lords, the following table shows, for each of the developing countries which have had aid loans from Britain, the amounts outstanding on December 31, 1972; the total repayments and interest due in 1973; an estimate of income, repayment and interestper capita in 1973; and the year when the final payment is due. It would not be practicable to give the details requested for each of the intervening years.

Total outstanding(a) 31 December 1972 £ million Amounts due 1973 £ thousand Year of final Estimated 1973 per capita data £(f)
Amortisation Interest Total Amortisation Interest Total payment GNP(e) Amortisation Interest
Cyprus 0.8 0.3 1.1 46 42 88 1990 443 0.071 0.065
Gibraltar 2.2 1.5 3.7 4 92 96 1996 442 0.142 3.285
Malta(b) 3.8 2.5 6.3 170 240 410 1993 383 0.515 0.727
Gambia 4.1 4.1 121 121 1998 50 0.316
Ghana 24.9 7.5 32.4 601 156 757 1998 122 0.064 0.016
Nigeria 48.1 14.9 63.0 2,310 1,615 3,925 1996 48 0.038 0.026
Sierra Leone 9.0 3.1 12.1 440 350 790 1995 87 0.165 0.131
Kenya 57.9 22.6 80.5 1,608 1,900 3,508 2000 67 0.130 0.154
Tanzania 3.9 2.1 6.0 210 253 463 1992 44 0.014 0.017
Uganda 21.6 5.3 26.9 894 639 1,533 1995 56 0 084 0.060
General—E.A.C 10.9 4.8 15.7 800 645 1,445 1995
Botswana 8.2 0.9 9.1 59 86 145 1998 46 0.091 0.132
Lesotho 0.4 0.2 0.6 17 22 39 1992 36 0.017 0.022
Malawi 30.2 1.5 31.7 536 153 689 1998 34 0.111 0.031
Rhodesia(c) 8.6 3.3 11.9 273 171 444 113 0.046 0.029
Swaziland 8.2 1.2 9.4 130 126 256 1998 84 0.281 0.273
Zambia 2.7 1.4 4.1 204 158 362 1998 196 0.045 0 035
Mauritius 11.9 4.2 16.1 326 206 532 1994 94 0.363 0.229
St. Helena (including dependencies) * * * *
Seychelles 0.5 0.5 23 23 1993 28 0.410
Cayman Islands 0.3 0.3 0.6 19 19 1992
Belize (Honduras, British) 2.4 1.5 3.9 43 51 94 1996 249 0.330 0.392
Jamaica 1.0 0.6 1.6 40 61 101 1987 297 0 020 0.030
Trinidad and Tobago 1.1 0.7 1.8 60 79 139 1990 364 0.054 0.072
Turks and Caicos * * 1 1 1986
Virgin Islands (British) 2.5 0.1 2.6 1 5 6 1994
Total outstanding(a) 31 December 1972 £ million Amounts due 1973 £ thousand Year of final Estimated 1973 per capita data £(f)
Amortisation Interest Total Amortisation Interest Total payment GNP(e) Amortisation Interest
Associated States—
Antigua 0.7 0.6 1.3 17 44 61 1993 172 0.253 0.656
Dominica * * 125
Grenada 0.9 0.2 1.1 76 31 107 1985 141 0.690 0.281
St. Kitts 1.7 1.7 * * 1996 147
St. Lucia * * * 3 1 4 1980 171 0.024 0.008
St. Vincent * * 1 1 1977 106 0.009
Guyana 17.4 11.2 28.6 658 799 1,457 1996 153 0.813 0.987
Falkland Islands 0.1 0.1
Bangladesh 4.8 4.8 1997
Sri Lanka 25.0 * 25.0 478 5 483 1996 46 0.035
Hong Kong 0.6 0.6 200 200 494 0.046
India 477.5 74.3 551.8 13,096 9,678 22,774 1999 46 0.022 0.016
Malaysia 20.4 20.4 551 551 1995 166 0.045
Singapore 19.3 19.3 175 175 1995 428 0.78
Fiji 7.4 3.9 11.3 64 172 236 1996 185 0.113 0.304
Tonga 0.4 * 0.4 8 3 11 1997 106 0.083 0.031
Solomon Islands 0.2 0.2 8 8 1995 70 0.045
Western Samoa 0.1 0.1 1997 54
New Hebrides 0.3 0.2 0.5 15 15 1997 198 0.166
Exchequer advances to the CDC 153.9 157.3 311.2 2,188 6,108 8,296
Iran 3.0 1.1 4.1 260 173 433 1984 178 0.008 0.005
Jordan 21.8 1.6 23.4 556 216 772 1997 109 0.216 0.084
Yemen Democratic Republic(c)(d) 3.1 1.2 4.3 174 149 323 1988 41 0.129 0.110
Turkey 50.1 13.9 64.0 3,809 1,538 5,347 1996 139 0.100 0.040
Yugoslavia 0.6 0.1 0.7 180 43 223 295 0.008 0.002
Tunisia 0.8 0.2 1.0 2 10 12 1997 102 0.001
ARE (Egypt) 6.4 1.7 8.1 315 104 419 1997 88 0.008 0.002
Cameroon 0.6 0.2 0.8 24 18 42 1992 80 0.003 0.002
Liberia 0.2 0.1 0.3 12 11 23 1984 99 0.007 0.006
Ethiopia 1.3 1.3 66 66 1992 35 0.002
Sudan 5.1 1.4 6.5 335 242 577 1997 50 0.019 0.014
Chile 1.9 0.6 2.5 318 123 441 1983 302 0.030 0.011
Ecuador 1.1 0.7 1.8 42 42 84 1997 122 0.006 6.006
Peru 1.5 0.4 1.9 76 61 137 1997 187 0.005 0.004
Total outstanding(a) 31 December 1972 £ million Amounts due 1973 £ thousand Year of final Estimated 1973 per capita data £(f)
Amortisation Interest Total Amortisation Interest Total payment GNP(e) Amortisation Interest
Afghanistan 0.9 0.2 1.1 97 43 140 1995 32 0.006 0.002
Indonesia 27.3 27.3 1994 33
Korea (South) 0.3 0.1 0.4 48 23 71 1979 122 0.001
Nepal 2.4 2.4 50 50 1995 32 0.004
Khmer Republic 0.4 0.4 18 18 1994 52 0.002
Pakistan 93.2 16.6 109.8 1,374 1,077 2,451 1997
Vietnam (South) 1.0 1.0 1997 82
Commonwealth Countries 995.9 328.2 1,324.1 26,440 23,925 50,365
Non-Commonwealth Countries 223.0 40.1 263.1 7,756 3,873 11,629
GRAND TOTAL 1,228.0 371.0 1,599.0 34,328 27,967 62,295
(a) Total amount due on loans committed up to 31 December 1972. Amounts due are calculated on the assumption that full disbursement occurred in the year of commitment and, in some instances, at the interest rate prevailing at that time.
(b) Excludes loans to the Malta dockyard.
(c) Total outstanding 31 December 1972 includes arrears of Principal and Interest.
(d) Includes loans to the former Federation of South Arabia.
(e) At market prices.
(f) Obtained from "World Bank Atlas" 1972 in dollars and converted to £ sterling at $2.502=£1.
* Less than half the final digit shown.