HL Deb 18 April 1973 vol 341 c1208WA

asked Her Majesty's Government, (a) what would be the cost (or saving) of bringing all appropriate naval facilities outside the Gibraltar dockyard into it; (b) if such a move is contemplated, when it will take place; and (c) whether they would agree that this would make for full utilisation of all buildings and land within the dockyard whilst freeing land for the Gibraltar Government.


Her Majesty's Government are arranging for the use being made of all land occupied by the Services in Gibraltar to be examined jointly by the Ministry of Defence and the Property Services Agency. This will include making an assessment of the cost (or saving) of bringing all appropriate naval facilities outside Gibraltar dockyard into it, with a view to ensuring full utilisation of all buildings and land within the dockyard. Until this examination has been completed it would be premature to attempt to forecast when any moves may take place or the extent to which more land may be freed for the Gibraltar Government beyond that referred to in the reply to the noble Lord's earlier Question on April 2.