HC Deb 29 November 1972 vol 847 cc156-9W
Mr. Dormand

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) how many teachers enrolled for, and completed the course, respectively, on each of the four one-term courses arranged by the Department of Education and Science in 1971–72 for teachers of handicapped children;

(2) how many teachers enrolled for, and completed the course, respectively, on each of the 40 one-year courses arranged by the Department of Education and Science in 1971–72 for teachers of handicapped children.

Mrs. Thatcher

Six one-term courses and 39 one-year courses approved by my Department were provided in 1971–72. The information is as follows:

Institutions Course Number of Enrolments Number who completed the Course
Dartington College of Music Music for Slow Learners 7 7
Total for one-term courses 97 96
One-Year Courses
School of Education, The University, Birmingham Supplementary Certificate for Teachers of Visually Handicapped Children 4 4
London Institute of Education Diploma in the Teaching of Deaf and Partially Hearing Children 23 21
Department of Audiology and Education of the Deaf, The University, Manchester University Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf 39 33
Department of Audiology and Education of the Deaf, The University, Manchester Diploma in Audiology 4 3
Department of Audiology and Education of the Deaf, The University, Manchester Diploma in Advanced Study in Education of the Deaf 3 3
The Lady Spencer-Churchill College Certificate in the Education of Deaf and Partially Hearing Children 28 26
A very Hill College of Education Diploma in the Education of Handicapped Children 22 20
School of Education, The University of Birmingham Diploma in Special Education (ESN) 12 12
City of Birmingham College of Education Supplementary Certificate for Teachers of Handicapped Children 11 11
Caerleon College of Education Diploma course for Teachers of Handicapped Children 23 23
Cambridge Institute of Education Diploma in the Teaching of Educationally Sub-normal Children 8 7
Cambridge Institute of Education Diploma in the Education of Children with Learning difficulties 11 11
Coventry College of Education Teaching of Children with Severe Learning difficulties 7 7
Culham College, Abingdon, Berks. Certificate in Special Education 17 17
University of Durham, Institute of Education Diploma in Education (Remedial) 3 3
Eastbourne College of Education Certificate in the Education of Handicapped Children 8 8
Edge Hill College of Education Certificate in the Education of Slow Learning Children in the ordinary school 18 18
University of Exeter Institute for Education Diploma in Education (Remedial) 10 10
Glamorgan College of Education Diploma in the Education of Handicapped Children 25 25
Kingston upon Hull College of Education Diploma/Certificate in Education of Handicapped Children 17 16
University of Leeds Institute of Education Diploma in the Education of Backward Children 10 10
City of Leeds and Carnegie College Certificate in the Education of Backward Children 16 16
City of Leicester College of Education Diploma in Educational Studies (Handicapped Children) 22 22
University of Liverpool, School of Education Diploma in Special Education 25 25
University of London Institute of Education Diploma in the Teaching of Educationally Sub-normal Children 19 18
University of London Institute of Education Diploma in the Education of Maladjusted Children 24 24
University of London Institute of Education Diploma in the Education of Physically Handicapped Children 7 7
Department of Education, University of Manchester Diploma in the Education of handicapped Children 8 7
Department of Education, University of Manchester Diploma in the Education of Maladjusted Children 7 7
Manchester College of Education Teaching of Handicapped Children 19 16
Maria Grey College, Twickenham Diploma in the Education of Handicapped Children 23 22
Matlock Training College The Education of Backward Children 10 9

Institutions Course Number of Enrolments Number who completed the Course
Newcastle upon Tyne College of Education Certificate in the Education of Backward Children 15 15
University of Newcastle upon Tyne Institute of Education Diploma in Advanced Educational Studies (Handicapped) 11 11
Redland College Teaching of Handicapped Children 24 24
St. Mary's College, Twickenham Diploma in the Education of Handicapped Children 10 10
Sheffield City College of Education Teaching of Handicapped Children 16 15
University of Southampton, Institute of Education Diploma in the Education of Handicapped Children 11 11
University College of Swansea, Department of Education Diploma in Special Education 9 9
Total for One-Year Courses 579 556