HC Deb 28 November 1972 vol 847 cc71-2W
54. Mr. Hamling

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer why an order for the minting of a set of silver decimal coins to commemorate Her Majesty the Queen's Silver Wedding Anniversary was given to a foreign-controlled mint and not to the Royal Mint.

Mr. Nott

The only United Kingdom coin struck to commemorate the Queen's Silver Wedding is the crown piece authorised by Royal Proclamation on 23rd October. This is being struck exclusively at the Royal Mint. Other countries are free to have their coins struck wherever they choose.

55. Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when all bank branches will have their supplies of silver wedding 25p coins in sufficient quantities from the Royal Mint so as to be able to satisfy the orders of their customers.

Mr. Nott

It is not known how many orders for Silver Wedding crowns have been received by bank branches. Over 3 million of these coins have been issued by the Royal Mint, however, and arrangements have been made to issue at least a further 3 million by Christmas if required.