§ Mr. Deakinsasked the Minister of State for Defence if he will publish a detailed breakdown of the Defence Estimates 223W 1972–73, Class XII, 9C; and why it has increased by approximately £16 million over the 1971–72 figure.
§ Mr. Ian GilmourIt is not customary to publish a detailed breakdown of the Defence Estimates. Variations in Vote 9 from year to year are the net effect of changes, both up and down, in a large number of the elements of expenditure. The difference between 1971–72and 1972–73 can be attributed in part to the purchase of a number of Mark 46 tor-pedos from the United States which was announced in the 1972 Statement on the Defence Estimates, and in part to a decision to increase the scale of spares provision for some equipments; the effects of general cost increases are also reflected in the higher estimate.