HC Deb 03 February 1972 vol 830 cc170-1W
76. Mr. Kinnock

asked the Secretary of State for Employment under what circumstances redundant workers may be denied payment of unemployment benefit.

Mr. Dudley Smith

A redundant worker must satisfy the conditions governing payment of unemployment benefit which are laid down in the National Insurance Acts and Regulations. Following is a summary:

Basic Conditions

The basic conditions for the receipt of unemployment benefit are that the claimant:

  1. 1. has paid or been credited with the requisite number of Class 1 National Insurance contributions;
  2. 2. is unemployed and capable of and available for work with an employer;
  3. 3. remains free from disqualification.

Main Disqualifications

A claimant may be disqualified if he:

  1. 1. has received a payment (other than one made under the Redundancy Payments Act) in lieu of notice or of the remuneration which he would have received had his employment not been terminated;
  2. 2. is following a part-time or spare time job from which his earnings exceed 33½p a day;
  3. 3. places such restrictions on the nature, hours, rate of pay, working district or other conditions he is prepared to accept, that he has no reasonable prospects of a job;
  4. *4. without good cause refuses or fails to apply for, or refuses to accept suitable employment;
  5. *5. fails to take a reasonable opportunity of employment;
  6. *6.without good cause refuses or fails to carry out reasonable recommenations in writing by an officer of the Employment Exchange to help him find suitable employment;
  7. *7. without good cause refuses or fails to avail himself of a reasonable opportunity of receiving training, approved by the Department of Employment in his case, for the purpose of receiving regular employment;
  8. *8. has left his employment voluntarily without just cause;
  9. *9. has lost his employment because of his misconduct;
  10. 10. is a seasonal worker who is unemployed in the off-season;
  11. 11. has lost his employment because of a trade dispute at his place of employment.

* The maximum period of disqualification in these cases is 6 weeks.