§ Mr. Bryant Godman Irvineasked the Minister for the Civil Service (1) what is the practice governing civil servants requesting their Members of Parliament to ask Parliamentary Questions;
(2) what is the practice governing retired civil servants requesting their Members of Parliament to ask Parliamentary Questions;
(3) what steps are currently taken to keep retired, dismissed, resigned or other civil servants fully informed of the approved practice with regard to Parliamentary Questions; and what alterations or amendments to this practice are under consideration;
(4) how many cases are known to him where the practice regarding the asking of Parliamentary Questions by their Members of Parliament has been breached by those at present in the Civil Service, and those no longer in the Service, respectively; and what action he has taken in such cases.
§ Mr. Kenneth BakerThere is rule which prevents a serving or retired civil servant requesting his Member of Parliament to ask a Parliamentary Question, provided that, in the case of a serving civil servant, he is not seeking a concession for himself not available to other civil servants, and provided he observes the reticence in matters of public and political controversy which is expected of him as a civil servant. Those concerned are aware of their position in this respect, or if in doubt can enquire of their establishment authorities.