HC Deb 18 November 1971 vol 826 c206W
Mr. Dormand

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when he will be in a position to comment on the results, now being studied, of the review made of the provision for day re-establishment centres; and whether a report will be issued.

Sir K. Joseph

I have nothing to add, in the light of the study undertaken in 1970, or thereafter as a continuing commitment of the Supplementary Benefits Commission, to my reply to the hon. Member of 28th October. As part of this continuing commitment, there are, at any given time, in addition to firm proposals such as I then gave, a number of possibles which are kept under consideration; and it would be premature, and could well prove misleading, to try to turn these into long-range forecasts. If, however, there is any particular point the hon. Member has in mind, perhaps he would write to the Chairman of the Commission.—[Vol. 823, c.464.]