HC Deb 26 May 1971 vol 818 cc180-1W
Mr. Armstrong

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what was the total public expenditure on primary and secondary education, respectively, in the years 1954–55, 1959–60, 1964–65 and 1969–70; and what is the estimated expenditure on each category in 1972–73 at constant prices.

Mrs. Thatcher

The information is as follows for both capital and current expenditure in England and Wales:

The number of vouchers available for the independent Commonwealth countries other than Malta will be reduced from 6,900 to 1,700. A maximum of 700 will be available in Category A, compared with the present 1,700, of which not more than 15 per cent. will be issued to any one country. A maximum of 1,000 will be available in Category B, compared with the present 5,200; but special arrangements are being introduced for doctors and dentists, who will no longer need vouchers.

Vouchers in Category A will not be issued where suitable resident labour is available; and in order to reduce the intake of unskilled and semi-skilled workers, and to help prevent the formation of long waiting lists, vouchers in this category for the independent Commonwealth countries, other than Malta, will be issued only for:—

  1. (a) those holding professional qualifications and managerial and executive staff;
  2. (b) skilled craftsmen and experienced technicians;
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  4. (c) specialised secretarial and clerical staff; and
  5. (d) those coming for other work which, in the opinion of the Secretary of State for Employment, is of substantial economic or social value to this country.