HL Deb 29 March 1971 vol 316 cc1206-10WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

To what individuals or organisations the Law Commission sent their Working Paper No. 23, on Criminal Law—Malicious Damage.


Copies of the Law Commission's Working Paper No. 23 were sent in May, 1969, to the following individuals and organisations in the United Kingdom:


  • Viscount Colville of Culross.
  • Rt. Hon. Viscount Dilhorne.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Denning.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Devlin.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord MacDermott.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Parker, C.J.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Reid.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Wilberforce.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Edmund Davies.
  • Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Sellers.
  • Mr. Justice Lawton.
  • Mr. Justice McKenna.
  • Mr. Justice Mocatta.
  • The Common Serjeant.
  • The Recorders of the Crown Courts of Liverpool and Manchester.
  • Lord Lloyd of Hampstead.
  • Lord Stonham.
  • The then Attorney General.
  • The Director of Public Prosecutions.
  • Master I. H. Jacob.
  • Master D. R. Thompson.
  • The High Commissioner for India.
  • Professor J. N. D. Anderson.
  • Professor J. A. Andrews.
  • Professor G. J. Borrie.
  • Professor Neville Brown.
  • Professor A. R. N. Cross.
  • Professor M. Lopez-Rey.
  • Professor C. F. Parker.
  • Professor Arthur Phillips.
  • Professor J. C. Smith.
  • Professor H. W. R. Wade.
  • Professor G. S. A. Wheatcroft.
  • Professor Glanville Williams.
  • Mr. John H. Buzzard.
  • Mr. J. W. M. Caine.
  • Mr. Albert Clark.
  • Mr. H. M. G. Concannon.
  • Mr. A. E. Cox.
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  • Mr. L. A. Ellwood.
  • Mr. M. D. A. Freeman.
  • Dr. A. Grant.
  • Dr. T. Hadden.
  • Mr. J. E. Hall-Williams.
  • Professor R. M. Jackson.
  • Mr. W. H. Corbett Lowe.
  • Mr. Ian MacDonald.
  • Mr. J. N. Martin.
  • Mr. Harvey McGregor.
  • Dr. Terence Morris.
  • Mr. David Napley.
  • Mr. R. T. Oerton.
  • Mr. P. R. Rogers.
  • Mr. W. V. Horton Rogers.
  • Mr. Michael Walker.
  • Dr. Nigel Walker.
  • Mr. Michael Zander.
  • Mr. Graham Zellick.


  • The Albany Trust.
  • The Association of Chief Police Officers of England and Wales.
  • The Board of Inland Revenue.
  • The British Institute of International and Comparative Law.
  • The British Legal Association.
  • The Consultative Lawyers' Society.
  • The Council on Tribunals.
  • Department of the Environment.
  • Department of Health and Social Security.
  • Department of Justice, Republic of Ireland.
  • The General Council of the Bar.
  • The Haldane Society.
  • Messrs. Thomas Hamer & Son.
  • The Holborn College of Law.
  • The Holborn Law Society.
  • Home Office.
  • The Institute of Criminology.
  • The Institute of Legal Executives.
  • Justice.
  • The Justices' Clerks' Society.
  • The Labour Party Research Department.
  • The Law Society.
  • The Legal Research Unit, Bedford College.
  • The Liberal Party Research Department.
  • Messrs. Linklaters & Paines.
  • The Lord Chancellor's Office.
  • The Magistrates' Association.
  • The Metropolitan Police Detective Training School.
  • The National Gallery.
  • The National Citizens' Advice Bureaux.
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  • The National Council for Civil Liberties.
  • The Official Solicitor's Department.
  • Parliamentary Draftsman, Northern Ireland.
  • The Police Training Centre, Yorkshire.
  • The Scottish Law Commission.
  • The Society of Clerks of the Peace.
  • The Society of Labour Lawyers.
  • The Society of Public Teachers of Law.
  • The Solicitor's Department, Metropolitan Police.
  • The Treasury Solicitor's Office.


The Librarians of:

  • All Souls College, Oxford.
  • British Library of Political and Economic Science.
  • Bodleian Law Library.
  • Central Office of Information.

The Daily Telegraph.

  • Gray's Inn.
  • The Home Office Library.
  • The House of Commons Library.
  • Inner Temple.
  • The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.
  • The Institute of Criminology, Cambridge.
  • Law Library, University of Leeds.
  • Lincolns Inn.
  • Middle Temple.
  • The Squire Law Library, Cambridge.
  • University Library, Cambridge.

The Editors of:

  • The British Journal of Criminology.
  • The Community Publications Group Limited.
  • The Criminal Law Review.
  • Current Law.
  • The Daily Telegraph.
  • The Express and Star, Wolverhampton.
  • The Guardian.
  • Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review.
  • The Law Guardian Publishing Co. Limited.
  • The Law Quarterly Review.
  • Law Notes.
  • The Law Society's Gazette.
  • Modern Law Review.
  • The New Law Journal.
  • The News of the World.
  • The Observer.
  • The People.
  • Public Law, University of London.
  • The Solicitors Journal.
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  • The Sunday Telegraph.
  • The Sunday Times.
  • The Times.

Copies were also sent to a number of individuals, Government Departments and other organisations in foreign and Commonwealth countries who are interested in the Law Commission's work.