HC Deb 24 March 1971 vol 814 cc150-60W
Mr. Peter Mills

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what will be the new minimum import prices to be introduced for cereals under the arrangements referred to in his statement of 17th March.

Mr. Prior

The minimum import prices due to apply to cereals and cereal products from 1st July, 1971 are shown below. The necessary Orders will be laid before Parliament shortly.

In this Schedule the prescribed standard moisture content wherever referred to shall be 14 per cent. by weight
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Minimum Import Price Level (per ton)
1971 1972
Tariff Heading Description of Imports July-Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
10.01 WHEAT:
A. Denatured wheat 24.65 24.95 25.25 25.55 25.85 26.15 26.45 26.75 27.05 27.35 27.65 26.75 27.05 27.35 27.65
B. Other wheat:
1. E.E.C. milling; Finnish milling; Greek milling; Spanish milling; Swedish milling; wheats of comparable quality 27.25 27.55 27.85 28.15 28.45 28.75 29.05 29.35 29.65 29.95 30.25 29.55 29.85 30.15 30.45
2. Australian fair average quality; Canadian Soft Eastern White; United States Soft White No. 2; United States Soft Red Winter No. 2; United States Hard and Dark Hard Winters Nos. 1 and 2 with in each case less than 12 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content; wheats of comparable quality 28.65 28.95 29.25 29.55 29.85 30.15 30.45 30.75 31.05 31.35 31.65 31.05 31.35 31.65 31.95
3. United States Hard and Dark Hard Winters No's. 1 and 2 with in each case less than 13 per cent, but not less than 12 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content; wheats of comparable quality 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60 31.90 32.20 32.50 32.80 32.25 32.55 32.85 33.15
4. Argentinian; Canadian Manitoba Northern No.4; United States Hard and Dark Hard Winters Nos. 1 and 2 with in each case less than 14 per cent. but not less than 13 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content; wheats of comparable quality 30.90 31.20 31.50 31.80 32.10 32.40 32.70 33.00 33.30 33.60 33.90 33.50 33.80 34.10 34.40

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Minimum Import Price Level (per ton) £
1971 1972
Tariff Heading Description of Imports July-Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
5. Canadian Manitoba Northern No. 3; United States Northern, Dark Northern and Red Springs Nos. 1 and 2 with in each case less than 14 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content; United States Hard and Dark Hard Winters Nos. 1 and 2 with in each case 14 per cent. or more by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content; wheats of comparable quality 31.75 32.05 32.35 32.65 32.95 33.25 33.55 33.85 34.15 34.45 34.75 34.40 34.70 35.00 35.30
6. Canadian Manitoba Northern Nos. 1 and 2; United States Northern, Dark Northern and Red Springs Nos. 1 and 2 with in each case 14 per cent. or more by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content; wheats of comparable quality 32.60 32.90 33.20 33.50 33.80 34.10 34.40 34.70 35.00 35.30 35.60 35.30 35.60 35.90 36.20
10.03 BARLEY:
A. Barley having a potential diastatic activity of not less than 170° Lintner 28.55 28.85 29.15 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35 30.65 30.95 31.25 31.55 30.50 30.80 31.10 31.40
B. Other 23.55 23.85 24.15 24.45 24.75 25.05 25.35 25.65 25.95 26.25 26.55 25.50 25.80 26.10 26.40
10.04 OATS 23.55 23.85 24.15 24.45 24.75 25.05 25.35 25.65 25.95 26.25 26.55 25.50 25.80 26.10 26.40
10.05 MAIZE OTHER THAN SWEET CORN ON THE COB* 24.65 24.95 25.25 25.55 25.85 26.15 26.45 26.75 27.05 27.35 27.65 26.75 27.05 27.35 27.65
10.07 GRAIN SORGHUM 24.10 24.40 24.70 25.00 25.30 25.60 25.90 26.20 26.50 26.80 27.10 26.10 26.40 26.70 27.00

1 2 3
Minimum Import Price Level (per ton) £
1971 1972
Tariff Heading Description of Imports July-Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
A. Wheat flours not containing chalk†
1. Containing 1 per cent. or more by weight of natural ash and not more than 1 per cent. by weight of fibre, in each case at the prescribed standard moisture content 31.75 32.05 32.35 32.65 32.95 33.25 33.55 33.85 34.15 34.45 34.75 34.40 34.70 35.00 35.30
2. Containing not less than 0.7 per cent. but less than 1 per cent. by weight of natural ash at the prescribed standard moisture content 39.95 39.65 39.95 40.25 40.55 40.85 41.15 41.45 41.75 42.05 42.35 42.60 42.90 43.20 43.50
B. Wheat flours containing chalk†:
1. Containing not less than 0.7 per cent. by weight of natural ash and not more than 1 per cent. by weight of fibre, in each case at the prescribed standard moisture content 39.35 39.65 39.95 40.25 40.55 40.85 41.15 41.45 41.75 42.05 42.35 42.60 42.90 43.20 43.50
2. Containing less than 10 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content 39.35 39.65 39.95 40.25 40.55 40.85 41.15 41.45 41.75 42.05 42.35 42.60 42.90 43.20 43.50
3. Containing 10 per cent. or more but not more than 12 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content 44.45 44.75 45.05 45.35 45.65 45.95 46.25 46.55 46.85 47.15 47.45 48.10 48.40 48.70 49.00
4. Containing more than 12 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content 49.50 49.80 50.10 50.40 50.70 51.00 51.30 51.60 51.90 52.20 52.50 53.55 53.85 54.15 54.45
C. Other flour:
1. of barley 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35
2. of maize 28.30 28.60 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60
3. of oats 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35
4. other 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35

1 2 3
Minimum Import Price Level (per ton) £
1971 1972
Tariff Heading Description of Imports July-Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
A. of wheat:
1. groats, kibbled or cut 28.30 28.60 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60
2. meal:
(A) denatured wheat meal 28.30 28.60 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60
(B) other:
(1) containing less than 10 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content 39.35 39.65 39.95 40.25 40.55 40.85 41.15 41.45 41.75 42.05 42.35 42.60 42.90 43.20 43.50
(2) containing 10 per cent. or more but not more than 12 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content 44.45 44.75 45.05 45.35 45.65 45.95 46.25 46.55 46.85 47.15 47.45 48.10 48.40 48.70 49.00
(3) containing more than 12 per cent. by weight of protein at the prescribed standard moisture content 49.50 49.80 50.10 50.40 50.70 51.00 51.30 51.60 51.90 52.20 52.50 53.55 53.85 54.15 54.45
2. Rolled, flaked, crushed, or bruised 30.00 30.30 30.60 30.90 31.20 31.50 31.80 32.10 32.40 32.70 33.00 32.50 32.80 33.10 33.40
4. Other processed 28.30 28.60 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60
B. of barley:
1. groats, meals, kibbled or cut 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35
2.rolled, flaked, crushed or bruised 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 131.30 31.60 31.90 31.30 31.60 31.90 32.20
3. other processed 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35

1 2 3
Minimum Import Price Level (per ton) £
1971 1972
Tariff Heading Description of Imports July-Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.-Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
C. of maize:
1. groats, kibbled or cut 28.30 28.60 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60
2. meal:
(A) containing less than 9 per cent. by weight of fibre at the prescribed standard moisture content 28.30 28.60 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60
(B) containing 9 per cent. or more by weight of fibre at the prescribed standard moisture content 23.40 23.70 24.00 24.30 24.60 24.90 25.20 25.50 25.80 26.10 26.40 25.40 25.70 26.00 26.30
3. rolled, flaked, crushed or bruised:
(A) flaked 30.85 31.15 31.45 31.75 32.05 32.35 32.65 32.95 33.25 33.55 33.85 33.45 33.75 34.05 34.35
(B) rolled, crushed or bruised 30.00 30.30 30.60 30.90 31.20 31.50 31.80 32.10 32.40 32.70 33.00 32.50 32.80 33.10 33.40
4. other processed 28.30 28.60 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60
D. of oats:
1. groats, meal, kibbled or cut 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35
2 rolled, flaked, crushed or bruised 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60 31.90 31.30 31.60 31.90 32.20
3. other processed 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35
E. other:
1. groats, meal, kibbled or cut cereals 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35
2 rolled, flaked, crushed or bruised cereals 28.90 29.20 29.50 29.80 30.10 30.40 30.70 31.00 31.30 31.60 31.90 31.30 31.60 31.90 32.20
3. processed cereals 27.20 27.50 27.80 28.10 28.40 28.70 29.00 29.30 29.60 29.90 30.20 29.45 29.75 30.05 30.35
Containing not more than 13 per cent. by weight of fibre at the prescribed standard moisture content 22.20 22.50 22.80 23.10 23.40 23.70 24.00 24.30 24.60 24.90 25.20 24.05 24.35 24.65 24.95
* Maize for the manufacture of starch, glucose and spirituous beverages will be exempt from levy under arrangements to be announced.
† The sub-division of wheat flours is still under consideration and the categories above may be subject to revision.