HC Deb 20 December 1971 vol 828 cc225-6W
29. Mr. Fitch

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he expects an announcement will be made about the construction of a new coal-fired power station.

Sir J. Eden

It is primarily for the C.E.G.B. to determine the proposed construction dates for particular power stations. The board reviews the situation annually in the light of updated estimates of electricity demand six winters ahead and its estimates of future relative fuel prices and generating costs.

Mr. Woof

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry why the new power station recently announced will use oil and not indigenous coal.

Mr. Ridley

In the C.E.G.B.'s view the proposed power station, Ince B, which was specifically designed to burn oil, offers advantages in costs, design and location which make it at this point in time the preferred station for advancement within the overall context of the C.E.G.B.'s system and possible additions to it. It is also the station which can

Area Additional Employment*
Year Number ('000 sq.ft.) Male Total
S.D.A.s created 18.2.71* of which 1st March, 1971–30th November, 1971 95 6,230 4,580 8,580
Northern S.D.A.s created 18.2.71 1st March, 1971–30th November, 1971 38 1,702 1,340 2,150
* Consisting of the following Employment Exchange Areas—Cumbernauld, Dunbarton Group, Glasgow Group, Greenock Group, Kilsyth, North Lanarkshire Group, Paisley Group, Irvine Group (excluding Isle of Arran), Hartlepool Group, Pcterlee Group, Tyneside Group, Wearside Group, Aberdare Group, Merthyr Tydfil Group, (part of) Pontypridd Group.
* Estimates by the applicants for industrial development certificates of the employment expected to arise when the projects are complete and fully manned.

Mr. Urwin

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry in respect of each year ended June, 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1971, how many successful applicants for industrial development certificates have subsequently notified his Department of their intention not to proceed with development.

most readily fulfil the Government's objective of stimulating the economy thus reducing unemployment.