HC Deb 19 April 1971 vol 815 c356W
Dr. Stuttaford

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what cuts and economies have been ordered in the proposed staffing of the outpatients department at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.

Mr. Alison

The original estimates of running costs for the new diagnostic and treatment block (which includes an outpatient department) at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital were modified by the regional hospital board and the hospital management committee after discussions with my Department. Some proposed increases in staff were reduced after taking into account the transfer into the new block of some existing services, and the overall staffing requirements of the hospital, but no reductions of services were involved.

Dr. Stuttaford

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how long it takes a patient, after being referred from his general practitioner, to see a physical medicine consultant at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital outpatients department; and how long it is after the consultant has ordered physiotherapy that treatment can start.

Mr. Alison

Waiting time depends upon the urgency of the case. Very urgent cases are seen and treated without delay. Others may have to wait up to five weeks before seeing the consultant and up to eight weeks before treatment starts.