§ Mr. Prenticeasked the Minister for Overseas Development by how much the disbursement of overseas aid for the financial year 1969–70 fell short of the aid ceiling of £219 million; what was the similar shortfall for 1968–69 and 1967–68; and what steps he will take to ensure that the sums recently announced for overseas aid up to 1974–75 are actually spent.
§ Mr. KershawThe figures requested are as follows:
The additional items were not included in the aid ceiling for the years in question and no financial ceiling was fixed for them. The aid ceiling was exceeded in 1967–68 due to special payments occasioned by devaluation.
Basic Programme Additional Items Total Ceiling Outturn Outturn Outturn £m. £m. £m. £m. 1967–68 205 210.3 2.5 212.8 1968–69 205 200.4 6.9 207.3 1969–70 205 205.0 13.2 218.2 My right hon. Friend will do all he can to ensure that the programmes announced for the years up to 1974–75 are fully spent.