HC Deb 16 March 1970 vol 798 cc46-7W
104. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will make a statement on the circumstances in which the Aberdeen trawler "Malcolm Croan" went ashore with lost engine power off Donegal in North-West Ireland and indicate the loss and damage that she and her crew suffered and details of the rescue and her present whereabouts.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

Following an engine breakdown in the early morning of Sunday 8th March, the "Malcolm Croan" began drifting towards land off the coast of Donegal. The vessel was eventually held by her emergency anchor some way off Melmore Head. I understand that three other trawlers in the area went to assist her, and, in response to a request from the Irish Republic Maritime Rescue Headquarters to H.M. Coastguard an Army helicopter from R.A.F. Aldergrove also helped. One of the trawlers was able to tow the "Malcolm Croan" to the port of Ayr. Happily no-one was injured, but the vessel sustained the loss of both her anchors and cables.

The Board of Trade is making inquiries about the cause of the engine failure and the loss of the main anchor.

Totals Thousands
Glasgow Between London and Edinburgh Belfast Manchester
B.E.A. Independents B.E.A. Independents B.E.A. Independents B.E.A.
1st Quarter 127 2 74 3 83 1 75
2nd Quarter 164 109 109 127
3rd Quarter 170 119 8 143 134
4th Quarter 130 75 8 93 2 89
1st Quarter 129 18 78 3 86 3 96
2nd Quarter 156 20 104 7 119 5 107
3rd Quarter 155 24 119 8 146 7 104
4th Quarter 132 20 79 7 93 6 63
1st Quarter 136 23 85 9 94 6 62
2nd Quarter 162 29 117 11 107 10 150
3rd Quarter 163 28 128 10 141 14 106
4th Quarter 129 23 84 8 85 8 73
1st Quarter 124 23 78 8 82 7 59
2nd Quarter 147 27 106 10 100 11 80
3rd Quarter 160 28 137 11 135 14 86
4th Quarter 134 18 90 10 93 9 68
1st Quarter 148 14 63 9 86 8 64
2nd Quarter 168 23 113 12 108 12 82
3rd Quarter 172 25 137 13 139 16 92
4th Quarter 148 23 93 11 99 11 70