HC Deb 14 July 1970 vol 803 cc193-4W
Mr. Redmond

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications for what reason his Department has decided that the Post Office must increase the proportion of its investment financing from revenue from 40 per cent. to 54 per cent. which compares with approximately 10

Grade Weekly remuneration at existing rates Weekly increase which would result from full implementation of Kindersley Report
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Consultant on maximum with A plus merit award 233 16 5 29 1 11
Consultant on maximum with A merit award 205 2 2 26 0 7
Consultant on maximum with B merit award 168 4 7 21 12 5
Consultant on maximum with C merit award 138 8 7 17 7 8
Consultant on maximum 116 7 10 15 1 4
Consultant on minimum 76 10 5 10 0 0
Senior hospital medical officer on maximum 84 12 2 10 7 10
Senior hospital medical officer on minimum 59 11 0 7 15 3
Medical assistant on maximum 84 12 2 10 7 10
Medical assistant on minimum 46 6 2 5 19 10
Senior Registrar on maximum 68 16 2
Senior Registrar on minimum 52 18 7
Registrar on maximum 55 7 0
Registrar on minimum 44 13 0
Senior house officer on maximum 44 13 0
Senior house officer on minimum 39 2 5
House officer on maximum 36 2 7
House officer on minimum 31 3 7
General practitioners: average gross remuneration (including practice expenses) based on estimates for 1970–71 of payments by Executive Councils 123 0 0 33 0 0

per cent. for similar investment programmes by local authorities; and whether, in view of the fact that increased telecommunication charges are damaging to business, he will reconsider this matter.

Mr. Chataway

I cannot answer for our predecessors, and the present Government's attitude towards future tariff proposals in the public sector was outlined by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 7th July in the debate on the Queen's Speech. There are no immediate plans for a further change in the level of telecommunications tariffs such as would affect the self-financing ratio.