HC Deb 27 April 1970 vol 800 cc207-8W
Mr. Marten

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many regulations, directives and decisions concerning the agriculture industry would apply if Great Britain joined the Common Market on terms which meant acceptance of the existing Common Market policy.

Mr. Foley:

I would refer to the reply which my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster gave on 2nd February to my hon. Friend the Member for Lewisham, North (Mr. Moyle). What he then said about regulations applies equally to directives and decisions.—[Vol. 795, c. 11.]

Mr. Marten

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in which courts and in which language civil cases will be conducted when the action is between a British party and a Common Market party and concerns an appeal on a point of interpretation of a regulation issued by the Commission of the European Economic Community if Great Britain should join the Common Market.

Mr. Foley:

Should we become members of the European Community, regulations issued by the competent authorities of the Communities would become part of the law of this country and cases between private parties which turn on them would fall to be decided by the municipal courts. Questions of the interpretation of these regulations which arise in these cases would be referred—and, if the municipal court is a court of final resort, would have to be referred—to the European Court of Justice whose proceedings are carried on in the official languages.

Mr. Marten

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the regulations, directives and decisions of the European Economic Community which would affect the aluminium processing industry, the coffee processing industry, artists, semolina, musicians and veal salted in brine, respectively, on the United Kingdom joining the European Economic Community.

Mr. Foley:

No. Details of the regulatitons and directives which have been published and which affect the products and services described in the Question, are available in the Library of the House.