HC Deb 22 October 1969 vol 788 c252W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department by what authority he has made the father of John Claxton, who recently died whilst in the custody of Her Majesty's Government at the Portslade Detention Centre, responsible for the funeral expenses of his late son; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Home Secretary why in view of the fact that the Home Office are refusing to pay the funeral costs of the boy John Claxton they are at the same time claiming the Social Welfare State funeral benefit payable to this boy's next of kin.

Mr. Elystan Morgan

Mr. Claxton was informed that, where relatives make their own arrangements, the Home Office does not normally accept liability for funeral expenses of inmates of prisons and borstals. But he was told at the same time that the Home Office hoped to be able to help in this case. I can now state that anex gratia payment will be made which will more than cover the amount of the National Insurance Death Grant.