HC Deb 06 May 1969 vol 783 cc63-4W
Sir T. Beamish

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what is the present strength of the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve; what is the recruiting target; and how long it will take to reach that target if the present trend continues.

Mr. Boyden

Strength at 31st March, 1969 was 43,215; we would like to achieve 100 per cent. recruitment of the establishment, which is 61,600; we hope for at least 80 per cent.; it is too early to assess the trend of recruitment following the recent measures.

Sir T. Beamish

asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many members of the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve, Category III, have transferred to the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve, Category II, and latterly to the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve since the announcement on 16th January, 1968, that the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve, Category III, was to be abolished.

Mr. Boyden

The figure of transfers is being obtained and I will write to the hon. Member when the information is available.

Sir T. Beamish

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT figures showing the strength, recruiting and wastage of the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve, Category II, for each month from August, 1968, until the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve, Category III, was abolished, and the subsequent strength of the Territorial Army and Volunteer Reserve each month to the latest available date.

Mr. Boyden

As regards the first part of the Question, the information is as follows:

Intake Outflow Strength at end of month
August 538 737 35,456
September 830 671 35,615
October 1,124 852 35,887
November 1,040 940 35,987
December 889 836 36,040
January* —† —† 37,294
February* 2,575 1,481 38,388
March* 3,043 1,434 39,997
* Includes TAVR I.
† Figures doubtful.

As regards the second part of the question, TAVR III was disbanded on 31st March, 1969 and no later figures are available yet.