HC Deb 16 July 1969 vol 787 cc130-1W
Mr. Awdry

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what was the cost of running British Government research establishments in the financial year 1968–69 in £ sterling per qualified researcher, showing each establishment separately.

Mrs. Hart

The following table shows the estimated net cost, per qualified scientist and engineer (as defined in Cmnd. 3417), of running individual Government research establishments in 1968–69. The figures exclude expenditure on items of capital equipment. It would not be in the public interest to reveal details in respect of individual defence research establishments.

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland £
East Craigs 4,659
Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory 6,214
Marine Laboratory. 14,300
Forestry Commission
Forestry Research Stations 21,711
Home Office
Central Research Establishment 7,789
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Veterinary Laboratories and Investigation Centres 9,234
Sea Fisheries Research 11,956
Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory 8,000
Infestation Control Laboratory 3,364
Plant Pathology 5,884
Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew 18,858
Ministry of Overseas Development
Anti-Locust Research Centre 7,769
Tropical Pesticides Headquarters and Information Unit 6,049
Tropical Products Institute 9,746
Tropical Pesticides Research Unit 6,167
Ministry of Power
Safety in Mines Research Establishment 9,615
Gas Standards Branch
Ministry of Public Building and Works
Building Research Station 6,742
Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh 37,500
Ministry of Transport
Road Research Laboratory 13,123
Ministry of Technology
Research and Development Establishments 15,609
Ministry of Defence
Research and Development Establishments 25,310