HC Deb 17 December 1969 vol 793 c342W
80. Sir M. Stoddart-Scott

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when the Northern Pennines Rural Development Board began operations; what is its aim; what publicity and information of its establishment and functions was given to the public; and how far down the Pennines its jurisdiction extends.

Mr. John Mackie

The board was established on 1st August, 1969, but certain of its powers did not come into force until three months later. Its aim as set out in Part III of the Agriculture Act, 1967, is to promote the development of its area as a rural area.

More than 100 local authorities and other bodies were consulted before a proposal to establish the board was published. We also published in February, 1968, an explanatory leaflet on the proposed powers and functions of the Board.

The board's area extends broadly from the Scottish Border to the Skipton Gap. Full details are contained in the Parliamentary Order establishing the board (S.I. 1969 No. 1095) which was approved by the House on 11th July, and a map showing the boundaries of the board's area has been placed in the Library of the House.