HC Deb 19 January 1968 vol 756 c689W
Mr. Edward M. Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the number of young persons who can be accommodated in each of the remand homes in Scotland in reasonable conditions of comfort and security; and how many young people were actually resident in each remand home at the latest date for which figures are available.

Area Accommodation specified in terms of the Remand Home(Scotland) Rules, 1964 Number of children in residence on 30th September, 1967
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Aberdeen 6 2 8 4 4
Ayrshire 14 5 19 11 1 12
Bellfield 38 38 25 25
Cardross Park 20 20 1* 1
Dundee 21 4 25 16 1 17
Edinburgh 16 6 22 20 3 23
Larchgrove 74 74 58 58
Beechwood 16 16 15 15
Lanarkshire 21 21 26 26
210 33 243 161 20 181
* Cardross Park remand home was opened only in September, 1967.

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