HC Deb 26 February 1968 vol 759 cc242-3W
Mr. Dunn

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will make a statement about the issue of employment vouchers to Commonwealth immigrants.

Mr. Gunter

The Government have decided that certain changes should be made in the arrangements for the issue by the Ministry of Labour of vouchers to Commonwealth citizens wishing to work in this country which were set out in the White Paper "Immigration from the Commonwealth" (Cmnd. 2739). These changes will come into force on 1st March. They are designed to reduce the waiting lists that have built up; to relate the issue of vouchers more closely to this country's economic and social needs; to help those with Category B vouchers to obtain employment which is commensurate with their qualifications; and to assist the dependent territories.

Applications for Category A vouchers for employment in manufacturing industry will continue to be dealt with as at present, as will those for any type of job obtained through properly organised recruitment schemes, operated either by employers in co-operation with Commonwealth Governments or by the Governments themselves, and approved by the Minister of Labour. All other applications will be considered on their merits and only those relating to work which is, in the opinion of the Minister of Labour, of substantial economic or social value to the United Kingdom will be accepted for inclusion on the waiting list. To avoid hardship to those near the top, people already on the waiting list whose applications would have been due for consideration before 1st June will be dealt with under the present rule of "first come, first served". The new criteria will apply to the remainder of the current waiting list and to all fresh applications.

The issue of Category B vouchers for teachers will be restricted to those who, in addition to being eligible for qualified teacher status, possess a teacher training qualification acceptable to the Department of Education and Science. As far as scientists and technologists are concerned, Category B vouchers will only be issued to those holding qualifications which are likely to be acceptable to employers here. As a corollary, it will no longer be necessary to have a minimum of two years' experience in suitable employment since graduation. Applications from teachers, scientists and technologists which would have been due for consideration before 1st June will be dealt with under the existing rules. Non-graduates with certain professional qualifications, if they have the firm offer of a job will no longer have to have had two years' experience in suitable employment since qualifying. Doctors with suitable qualifications to practise here who apply for vouchers and who produce evidence that they have either obtained places in the Ministry of Health's attachment scheme or medical posts to come to will be given priority.

Applications for both Category A and Category B vouchers in respect of persons belonging to United Kingdom dependent territories will be dealt with separately from applications in respect of other Commonwealth citizens. A quota of vouchers amounting to 600 per year will be allocated to them with the proviso that as a general rule no one territory may receive more than 50 per cent. of the quota. The new criteria for Category A vouchers will not apply to the dependent territories or to Malta.