HL Deb 26 August 1968 vol 296 cc673-4WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

To list the Departmental Committees or Committees of Inquiry with their dates of appointment, their Chairmen and their subject-matter and terms of reference, being Committees (a) appointed since the last General

Name Date set up Chairman Terms of Reference
Joint Working Party on the Organisation of medical work in hospitals April 1966 Sir George Godber, Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health Set up by the Minister of Health and the Joint Consultants Committee to consider what developments in the hospital service are desirable in order to promote improved efficiency in the organisation of medical work. (This Working Party has produced a First Report.)
Medical Computing Language Committee February 1967 Mr. D. White 1. To consider the need for a Medical Computing Language; and if the need exists to identify the problems involved in developing it,
2. To suggest solutions to the problems identified and estimate their cost; and
3. to advise on the implementation of the agreed proposals.
Committee on Hospital Scientific and Technical Services August 1967 Sir Solly Zuckerman To consider the future organisation and development of hospital scientific and technical services in National Health Service Hospitals and the broad pattern of staffing required and to make recommendations.
Committee of Inquiry into the Shelton Fire April 1968 Mr. H. W. Sabin To inquire in accordance with the provisions of Section 70 of the National Health Service Act, 1946, into the circumstances leading to a fire at Shelton Hospital on the night of 26th to 27th February, 1968 and to report to the Minister thereon.

A working group under the Chairmanship of Sir George Godber is at present being set up to consider the responsibilities and function of the hospital consultant grade in the light of the report of the Royal Commission on Election to report to the Minister of Health or to the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland, (b) one or more of the members of which are not civil servants, and (c) the Reports of which have not yet been published.


The information is as follows:—

Medical Education and any other relevant information and to report to the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland.

House adjourned at seven minutes before eleven o'clock.